In order to help companies see their role in the new landscape of companies as solution and innovation providers six approaches are provided. Note that the focus of this benchmarking is on companies as solution providers that deliver on human needs, a dynamic climate opportunity innovation approach, not just reducing their negative impact, a static climate risk innovation approach. The later is still dominating the mainstream discussion where concepts like climate footprint, ESG, CSR, Net-Zero, Science-Based [reduction] targets, dominate. In this benchmarking the static problem approach is the starting point, 1.0. While the focus is on how companies can take steps towards a dynamic solution approach where concepts like green revenues, climate opportunity innovations, handprints, net-positive, purpose-driven, and net-positive approaches can be found.
Often sustainability is presented in different generations as if there are evolutionarily stages for a company. In reality the paths are much more complex and it is hard to find companies that move from reduction targets and offsetting to becoming solution providers. The reason is that the logic behind a climate risk innovation agenda, where the goal is zero and the approach is built on guilt/ cost savings (that allow the idea of offsetting to be viewed as acceptable), is very different from a solution agenda. For a climate solution innovation agenda the stakeholders in the company tend to be different, but also the goals and reason for taking action. How to expand the work towards a climate innovation agenda is not included in most frameworks, such as CDP reporting or science based [reduction] targets, but some reports do exist.
For this benchmarking the focus is on solution providers, but where relevant it includes those that have no sustainability work today and those with only a traditional ESG/CSR climate risk agenda.
Companies can be in many different positions in the matrix, and within a company different parts of the company can be in different positions. The benchmarkings are just to provide some general guidance.
For this benchmarking the focus is on solution providers, but where relevant it includes those that have no sustainability work today and those with only a traditional ESG/CSR climate risk agenda.
Companies can be in many different positions in the matrix, and within a company different parts of the company can be in different positions. The benchmarkings are just to provide some general guidance.

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